by A Jewish Soldier
The proximity of two hostile armies, which on the Potomac alone, cover fifty miles, and
in some instances, but one or two miles distant from each other, leads frequently to
interesting intercourse and collision on the part of the pickets, scouts and foraging
parties. As both armies speak the same language, understand each other's prejudices, and,
in fact, are as well informed in regard to their habits as citizens of the same country
can be, it is not surprising that this war should present among its many peculiarities
also in this respect, a singular relationship between friend and foe, a sort of private
animosity in the midst of sectional animosities. During the Crimean war, the pickets of
the contending forces were, frequently, within speaking distance, and exchanged canteens,
that is to say, their contents, the English giving to the Russians brandy or gin, in
return for a wretched beverage called raki; but, beyond that, all intercourse was
impossible, as their habits and language were a mystery on both sides. Here, however, the
case is different. Secesh knows what a Yankee means when he talks of a "chew", a
"smile", and a "bite," equally well does the other party understand
the idiosyncrasies of the former, which, under different terms, amount to the same thing.
In these localities, when the opposing armies are encamped on the northern and southern
banks of the Potomac, the pickets are, of course, nearest to each other, as the river
itself is considered a sufficient line of demarcation for the two forces. Then, of course,
the sentries stand right opposite each other, and it is not surprising that they should
habitually have a little talk together in a lively discussion. They may have been old
friends, who, before the outbreak of the rebellion, passed most of their evenings
together, perhaps two brothers, differing in their political sympathies, and having
espoused opposite sides, meet one another after a long interval for the first time, in the
character of hostile pickets. Of course, all the family affairs are then talked of, how
times have changed, how different things were when last they met, they inquire after their
friends at home, and the lady loves they left behind. These accidental meetings are, of
course, of very rare occurrence, but nearly every day some piquant conversation takes
place between the sentries, mostly turning on the events of the day.
Secesh pickets have, for the last six months, bragged about Bull Run, and now came the
turn of the Yankee to brag about the late victories. These sly dig, are introduced in
every possible shade and color. Secesh says that it is very cold, and he receives for a
reply that after the recent firing, he ought to feel quite warm; he complains that the
roads are wretchedly dirty, and the retort is, that after the recent licking, everything
in the South ought to be mighty clean; he may simply state, that they have an abundance of
oysters, and he will at once be told, that it is no wonder, after the many shells we have
thrown into Dixie. Poor Secesh, in despair, looks at the sky, and talks about the sun,
moon and stars, when he is cruelly told that, that place is about the only safe retreat
for them. A worm will tread against you if you tread upon it, and can it then be expected,
that "the chivalry" should listen to these insinuations without indignation? No!
He raises his hand, puts the thumb-nail to the tip of his nose, and with characteristic
gesticulations, exclaims: "Bull Run!" The Yankee replies: "We GRANT
it," in allusion to General Grant, the hero of Fort Donelson. Poor Secesh looks to
the future, and foretells confidently, that their front lines will soon be advanced miles
and miles further, when he is coolly told, that there can be no doubt of that after we had
kicked their rear with our Foote. He, at last, taunts his opponent with the successful
escape of Floyd, but with no crushing effect does this boast reach the Yankee, for he
positively expresses his perfect delight at his flight, as Floyd would have been a
troublesome prisoner, knowing, as we do, his thieving propensities. The chivalry is,
however, not always to tame as to submit to these broad hints, on the part of such a
despicable being as the Yankee seems in his eyes, and, therefore, as a general rule, he
will take up his rifle and hurl forth his indignation in the shape of a bullet, which is
generally the signal for a lively interchange of compliments.
I may here remark, that this firing on pickets is the most barbarous practice of the
rebels, with the exception, perhaps, of their repeated attempts at poisoning our troops.
It is customary among civilized nations, to allow the pickets of opposing forces, within
speaking distance, to remain unmolested, as the killing of individual soldiers can have no
marked effect on the fortunes of the war, and the chances of injuring are equal on both
sides. It is, in fact, the same principle that has led in modern times to the humane and
kind treatment of prisoners of war, for however great the cruelties afflicted on them, the
issue of the war is not in the least affected thereby, and the danger would thereby be
incurred of retaliation on the prisoners captured by the enemy. The same principle of
self-interest, if not humanity, has induced modern nations to abstain from
picket-shooting, except where a great advantage is to be attained by a surprise on an
exposed position, and, in these cases, it is more advisable to capture the sentries than
to fire, so as not to give the alarm to the enemy. The rebels, however, were the first to
introduce it in this war. The "Jackson avengers" was the name of a set of
rebels, personal friends of Ellsworth's murderer, and these fellows vowed to kill, each of
them, a certain number of Ellsworth's Zouaves, I forget how many. As they had not the
courage to meet them in open daylight, they watched their opportunity in the night, when
the soldiers were on picket duty, and posting themselves in the woods, behind a tree, they
would take aim, fire, and immediately run away. The rebel government not only sanctioned
that barbarous mode of warfare, but even organized bands of guerrillas, expecting that
this would frighten away the invaders of the sacred soil. That institution has, however,
cost them more than they anticipated, for the desperadoes who composed those bands, preyed
alike on friend or foe, and became a terror to secessionists themselves, without having
the desired effect on "the ruthless invaders." Our pickets, in self-defense,
were obliged to fire in return, and it was thus night after night, that murders were
committed inexcusable as a system of modern warfare. Sometimes, the opposing pickets would
enter into agreements not to fire on each other for a certain number of days or weeks, but
the chivalry did not always keep their promise, so that even those mutual assurances
became unreliable. General McClellan, on assuming command of the army, made it the object
of one of his earliest efforts to remedy this evil, by prohibiting our soldiers from
firing except in self-defense, and I believe that an understanding on the subject was
arrived at between the rebels and ourselves, since which time, the exchange of shots has
been a rare instead of a nightly occurrence. In fact, the pickets have of late, been so
distant from each other in Virginia, that there was no danger of similar collisions.
One of the most interesting sports for a scouting party, consists in capturing the
rebel pickets. Such excursions start before daylight, so as to reach their destination
about sunrise, with sufficient light to detect friend from foe, and choose a favorable
position. If they succeed in surrounding the rebels, they are made prisoners and taken to
the camp. Notwithstanding the sympathy due to prisoners of war, it is hardly possible to
abstain from laughing at the wretched appearance of these cavaliers, who consider
themselves the aristocracy of the human race.
The engravings that have recently appeared in the illustrated papers of "specimens
of chivalry" taken at Roanoke and Fort Donelson, are by no means exaggerated when
compared with the living reality that is seen in these quarters. We may find something
sublime in the fact, that they use ropes instead of bridles and stirrups, carpets instead
of overcoats, garments of all colors instead of military uniform; all this may be viewed
as an evidence of self-denial, but no romantic aspect can be given to the dirty and
neglected appearance of those men, as there is at present plenty of water in Virginia; nor
can I find anything to admire in the ignorance of secesh soldiers. In our army, it is a
rarity to find a man who cannot read or write; in the rebel army, perhaps not five per
cent of the men are able to sign their names. The Mississippi and Texan soldiers, are not
better than barbarians in intelligence and appearance. The arrival of captured pickets
produces a stir in the camps, and soldiers flock around them to hear the latest news from
Dixie. The information obtained, depends of course, on the temper of the prisoners, some
of whom are morose and defiant, others talkative and indifferent. In every instance,
however, I have ascertained that the populace of the South has been thoroughly impregnated
with the idea that the Yankees wanted to steal their property, incite their slaves to
insurrection, and turn their masters into slaves. It was through those prisoners, that I
first was privileged to see Confederate Treasury Notes, some of which, printed in the
early and palmy days of the rebellion, are in close imitation of our own Treasury note,
but the last issued are terrible specimens of paper money, being printed on all kinds of
note paper, from old pamphlets, down to bits of New York papers. They promise to pay the
amount specified six months after the ratification of a treaty of peace, and are payable
for all dues except export duties. In the middle of the note there are four ladies and one
behind them, emblematical of something, I don't know what, with bales of cotton, mountains
of dollars, steamboats, factories and anchors in the rear. One of the ladies holds a cross
in her hand, evidently to symbolize the Christian religion, and this very figure
indicates, that in Secessia, Church and State are to be united.

Besides these confederate notes, they have private shin plasters, varying from five
cents to twenty-five cents, issued by tradesmen, and returnable in merchandise. "Good
for a shave," "Good for a quart of milk," "Good for a basket of sweet
potatoes," --such is the present currency of the South. If the government were to ask
my advice, how to punish the secessionists of the North, I would tell them to send all
those sympathizers into Secessia, where they can enjoy the fruits of their theories to
their heart's content. One week's experience would suffice to make them pray for a speedy
return to the blessed North.