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Jews at Mogadore.


As usual when any calamity befalls a place in the eastern hemisphere, the Jews of Mogadore have suffered fearfully at the late bombardment of that town by the French fleet, in the short war they made upon the Emperor of Morocco, of which the political papers of the day have furnished the details. But it was not until a few weeks ago that we became acquainted with the dreadful effect that this assault had upon the Jewish inhabitants of the place. The French having for some time thrown a continual shower of shot into the fortifications, at length landed (15th of August), when the Moorish defenders fled, and left the town open to the irruption of the Kabyles, who soon entered the Jewish quarter, stripped its inhabitants of all their possessions, even to their garments, so that they had to cover themselves with sacks and pieces of matting which they could find, and besides this, maltreated their persons, having no respect for age or sex. Many Israelites were butchered by the savage Arabs; the others fled naked and penniless to whithersoever they could find shelter. The above is a brief outline of the communications contained in the Voice of Jacob of Nov. 15, to which we refer. The Emperor of Morocco generously gave 10,000 ducats for the relief of the sufferers, and a subscription has been opened in London to aid them farther, which at the latest account had resulted in the handsome sum of 1674l. 14s. sterling. We see among the printed list of names the Portuguese congregation contributing from its funds for the redemption of prisoners 200l., and several Christian gentlemen and firms, one of the latter of which contributed 100l. This is certainly a cause for gratitude, that the times of distress always elicit traits of benevolence which often lie dormant in periods of prosperity.